


你是否曾经被餐馆里的菜单弄得不知所措? One that goes on and on for pages — offering you everything from breakfast to dinner, 24 hours a day? 退休账户也没什么不同.  While everyone knows (or should know)  the importance of saving for retirement, 退休储蓄计划的庞大菜单可能会让人相当困惑. Add in the questions of how they work and how much you should be contributing and it can make your head spin.

如果这听起来很熟悉,那么你并不孤单. 美国联邦储备系统的数据显示,四分之一的美国人没有贷款.S. 居民-部分 26%美国人 – have no retirement savings, and 44% don’t feel their retirement savings are on track.  Confusion about how the system works are most definitely to blame for at least some of that.

尽管如此,不要惊慌. We’ve got a rundown on all the most common retirement accounts — including 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 独奏的401 (k) s, ira, 罗斯个人退休账户——以及如何使用它们.  它应该是你所需要的,让你朝着正确的方向前进.


A 401(k) (like similar accounts including 403(b)s) is a  qualified employer-sponsored retirement plan. 如果你的雇主没有提供401(k)或其他赞助计划, 你应该开始存钱了 罗斯个人退休账户或传统个人退休账户 (稍后会详细介绍).  But if you have access to an employer plan — especially if your employer offers matching contributions — that’s the best place to start.

Many employers offer a matching contribution of up to a certain percentage of your salary. 例如, if your employer will match your 401(k) contributions up to 6% of your salary, 你的目标应该始终是至少贡献6%. 如果没有,你就白白浪费了一笔钱.

你捐的钱 传统的401(k)账户 是税前收入吗?, meaning you will not be taxed on that money during the year you earned it (this will show up as a tax deduction, 减少你当年调整后的总收入). 而不是, the money will go into an investment account where it will typically grow over time, 当你在退休时取出它时,你要交税. 你也可以选择罗斯401(k). 在这里,您将贡献税后美元(1美元).e. 你已经纳税的钱), 这笔钱是免税的,提取时你不会欠任何税.  2023年, the IRS increased the annual 401(k) contribution limit from $20,500 to $22,500. Those 50 or older at the end of 2023 can make a catch-up contribution of $7,500.

An important thing to remember when considering your 401(k) is that it’s the account you put money into, 而不是你的实际投资. 一旦钱进了账户, you are responsible for choosing your investments and actually investing that money. 你的投资选择可以包括共同基金, 目标日期退休基金, 股票, 还有其他选择取决于你的计划.


403(b)计划类似于401(k)计划, but it’s offered to employees of nonprofits as well as to some government employees. 和401(k)计划一样, 403(b)计划的缴款是免税的, 雇主也可以提供相应的供款. 除了投资于401(k)计划中提供的许多相同选项之外, 403(b)s have also offered the option to invest in annuities (which provide an income stream in retirement).  Only recently has a change in the law started to bring annuities to 401(k)s. 

这两种帐户类型之间有许多相似之处. 他们有相同的供款限额($22,2023年500, with a $7,500 catch-up contribution for those 50 and over). Both types of plans require you to reach age 59 ½ 之前 you can withdraw from them and impose a 10% penalty for early withdrawal. 和 both can offer Roth options if your employer adds that feature to your plan. 


If you don’t have an employer-sponsored retirement plan (and sometimes even if you do, 但有能力存更多), 是时候看看个人退休账户了. 爱尔兰共和军 stands for Individual Retirement Account and there are four different types — all of which fall under the heading of “self-directed” retirement plans, 这是“自己动手”的华丽说法. 这些都是你在经纪公司或其他投资公司开的账户, 然后随着时间的推移做出贡献和管理.

OG是一个传统的爱尔兰共和军. You deposit pre-tax money (this reduces your adjusted gross income) — up to $6,2023年500, 再加上1美元,50岁及50岁以上的人可获得5000美元的补缴金. 一旦投资,这笔钱通常会随着时间的推移而增长. 和 when you withdraw it (which you’re allowed to do without penalty beginning at age 59 ½ and must do starting at age 73 in 2023 — the age will eventually rise to 75) you’ll pay ordinary income taxes on the withdrawals. 如果你在工作中有退休计划, you’re only eligible for a traditional deductible 爱尔兰共和军 if your income is below $73,000(单人)或116美元,000(结婚, 共同申报)通常不符合传统的可扣除的爱尔兰共和军.  但你可以随时开放和贡献 非可减 爱尔兰共和军.  随着时间的推移,这笔钱仍然会增加税收递延. 提款时你还得付所得税.

A Roth 爱尔兰共和军 is basically the opposite — taxwise — of a traditional 爱尔兰共和军: You pay tax on income 之前 你向罗斯个人退休账户缴款, but you’ll pay no tax on withdrawals of either your earnings or your contributions in retirement. 这里有个陷阱. Not everyone (even those who don’t have a work-based retirement plan) qualifies for a Roth 爱尔兰共和军.  单身人士需要调整后的总收入不超过138美元,000美元的全额捐款和153美元,为2023年贡献任何东西.  如果你已婚,那么你的共同收入限额从218美元开始,000美元,并逐步减少到228美元,000.


如果你结婚了,你的配偶在工作, you can contribute to retirement — for you — even if you’re not earning an income yourself by using a spousal 爱尔兰共和军.  With this account, the working spouse contributes on behalf of the spouse who isn’t earning income. “It’s the easiest thing to do if you have a spouse and file joint tax returns,Ubiquity Retirement + 储蓄的Nasrin Mazooji说. “只要你的配偶有收入,你就可以向个人退休账户存钱.“供款限额与传统的个人退休账户和罗斯账户相同. 


A solo 401(k) enables you to get many of the benefits of an employer-sponsored plan without having to work for someone else. 甚至更好的, the contribution limits are pretty generous because you can contribute for yourself as both an employer and an employee and also make catch-up contributions. 2023年, the total contribution for this particular account – not counting catch-up contributions for those aged 50 and over – is $66,000. 想知道更多吗?? 的 美国国税局在这里详细说明了这些规则. 和 就像许多雇主的401(k)计划一样,罗斯计划也有选择. 注意: You do need an employer identification number for your own business to open a solo 401(k), 你可以在网上申请哪些 国税局的网站.


This article is meant to give financial information, not legal financial advice.  Always contact a professional investment expert 之前 making any financial decisions.